I f there’s one thing people suggest that you should be hooking onto, it is making use of some defining green areas. They bring on such happy vibes for you, allowing you to indulge in some serene moments which are long-standing. But did you know you can create gardens of various kinds? Not only do they allow you to bring on the natural space with welcoming arms, but also enjoy and soak in the serenity around you. One such garden that you should know of is the meditation garden. And whether you’ve got an acre or just a narrow balcony, it’s easy to create a natural space to reconnect with yourself. Let me now share ways in which you can bring on serenity with such a mindful luscious garden. In the chaos that is everyday life, it’s important to carve out a space for peace.
So what is a meditation garden anyway? These are designed to restore the mind and body. At its core, a meditation garden is any natural space that allows you to disconnect. But certain elements—a winding path, for example, or the gentle trickle of water—naturally invite us to slow down. It actually invites you to be still, to be able to reflect on things and dream, as well as to be quiet. It also invites you to quiet the mind as it awakens the senses. You should know that all gardens will engage with your senses, but play structures, vegetable beds, brightly colored flowers, or grand architectural features can be too visually stimulating to quiet the mind. A meditation garden offers opportunities to pause and contemplate a view or focal point. They have an intimate, calm feel.
Often the biggest hurdle to practicing mindfulness can be finding a place to be fully present. And that means you need to look for a space that is tempting and allows you to enjoy your surroundings. The main and essential thing to know here is that you should relax. Begin your day by taking in deep breaths. You also need to make use of the outdoor spaces as often as you can. Being outside provides a multi-sensory experience. Soak in nature in every way.
It is impertinent to know and understand just how you need to soak in every moment and be grateful for it. That means look around you and indulge in the greenery- the open surroundings. It really is mindblowing. A meditation garden allows you to experience tranquility. Also, the one thing you need to know is that the size of the garden does not really matter. It need not be a huge space- even small portions can bring on the serene vibes you need. So how do you create your own version? First and foremost, you want to select a space that has a sense of enclosure. Whether it’s a wall, fence, or a hedge of plants, creating a sense of privacy is important. This allows you to be mindful without worrying about being observed or interrupted. This space should have a defined entrance. Bring on a sort of structure that brings on the feeling you are entering a special space. If you have room, this could be a quiet pool with fish or a small fountain—anything that speaks to you. You’ll need some type of seating. This could be a log, a folding chair, or a cast iron bench. The most important element to add is water. You should look for running water or a bubbling fountain most peaceful; others prefer to stare into a still pool that reflects the trees and sky. Calming plants will look and feel great too. Consider fragrance, color, and texture in your plants. Warm colors like red or orange are too energetic—look for ones in cool tones like greens, blues, lavender, or silver instead. Lastly, make use of native plants whenever possible, and choose ones that attract butterflies, birds or small mammals into your space to invite nature in.