ets talk about the most hyped movie- you want to read it till the end since its pulled out of cinemas. So, that’s the only way you will know is it worth the watch or total waste of time?
The trailer gave the impression that the movie would be predictable transition from Barbie world to the real world, but it was nothing like that.
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Lets start with the production design- it was very well produced with attention to details- The Barbie world awe struck the audience with costumes and cinematography. It was probably the only thing that was worth spending your money.
So put aside all the glits and glam that was basically for the teens but also failed to impress them. Every joke that happens in this film happens within the first 45 seconds.
For example Barbie turns on the water and there is no water- Oh because there is no actual water- Do you get it? And then she drinks but there is no actual liquid in the Cup- Because its Barbie world- that is it. There are no more jokes in the film.
Another thing that was major miss was the intended audience. When you look at the trailers you perceive that the movie is for Mom group along with their pre-teen daughters but when you watch the movie you realised that its intended for ‘No One’ like its PG and at the same time its fantasy.
The only other thing that was extraordinary about this film is its marketing team- Warner Brothers hired a kickass marketing team because they will make profit on this in week one only. Before people realised they are being ripped off the curiosity will get the best out for them. I doubt it very well that there will be a repeat audience for this movie.
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Coming to the story- it was written in a grey area- they failed to portray whether they hate Barbie or love Barbie. The only thing is that they despise Barbie. The pivotal point is that Men and Women are two sides of the divide and they hate each other. The only way you can have a happy world is when Women ignore Men and Men ignore the Women. Thats the only final outcome of the film.
The movie is too long- it should not last two hours with this plot and characters. Its like watching Toy story except all the Toys are evil.
Another flawed message that was portrayed in the film is that ‘Men run the World’ which is odd for a Women led film. Because everyone from the cast and crew of the film is Women and they are doing pretty good for themselves. At least from Hollywood we expect some different side of patriarchy.
There is a series of gay masterbation jokes- so much for making a movie for pre-teens, basically ruining Barbie for them.
The Barbie has irrepressible death thoughts which is weird for a kids movie- And that death thought is because the person plying with Barbie is not happy. So to make these thoughts go away the Weird Barbie asks her to go to real world and solve her problems only then she will be happy in her Barbie world. Pretty weird concept since Barbies are meant to bring you happiness as opposed to you taking out your sadness on them.
As soon as Barbie and Ken enter the real world they are bombarded with all kinds of sexism and she immediately presumed that all those people catcalling her have underlying violent instincts. Even the police officers are super sexist.
Ken on the other hand is having a blast in real world- since he was an underdog in Barbie world and is on top of patriarchy in real world so this is the perfect place for him. The ideal plot should be to restore equality but no they decided that the subservient Men is the solution to all problems.
There are subtle references of fascism from teenagers without contextual explanation- looks like there was no proper character development. In fancy world Barbie is the epitome of beauty and in real world she knows everything and is very woke and intelligent. Quite contradictory for the plot.
Along with subtle degrading jokes- the board member at one point said ‘I have no power, does that make me a woman’ inciting forced false narrative and making a joke out of it.
There are also cliff hangers that were never explained, like why Barbie in order to escape real world brought America Ferreria with her? Or why were the Board members chasing Barbie ? Those were pivotal plot points yet with no logical explanation.
All in all it was overhyped bad plot film that was just marketed well.
They lost an opportunity to portray sensitive issues to the younger audience. Instead they filled it in with gay jokes and unrealistic representation of prevalent issues.