by Ghadafi Shiraz
When it comes to brushing your teeth, you will be amazed by how your toothpaste does and can do so much more! Plainly put, toothpaste serves major purposes. Only if you know how to make use of it. Because as it turns out, it is not just for cleaning teeth. From sorting out your pimples to giving your silverware a new lease on life, the number of things a tiny tube of teeth cleanser can do is mind boggling. Here are some uses of toothpaste other than to brush your teeth!
Removing Marker Stains It may seem like the end of the world when permanent marker stains are on your surfaces, but these can easily be removed with a dab of toothpaste. Just squeeze a pea-sized amount onto a clean microfibre cloth, and rub away at the mark in a circular motion. The mark will eventually fade away, until it’s completely gone.
Crayon Stains from Walls
Yes, all of us have gone through the stage where our little ones go a little wild. If your young children or guests get creative with crayons on your walls, don’t despair. Simply apply a tiny amount of daily white toothpaste onto a soft cloth or sponge, and rub gently on the crayon mark to remove it. For more tips and tricks, be sure to check out how to clean painted walls to remove stains and leave it spotless.
Polish Jewellery!
This may have happened to you. If you notice that your jewelry is looking rather dull, toothpaste can bring back the sparkle. First, squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto a microfiber cloth or old toothbrush. Then, rub the toothpaste onto the jewellery in circular motions to polish and clean any tarnish. Leave on for around 5 minutes before rinsing the toothpaste off thoroughly with warm water and then dry. If you’re using toothpaste when learning how to clean jewelry, remember to choose a type that contains no tartar control, whitening agents or any ‘extras’. And never use this on diamonds or gemstones as this may be too abrasive and will scratch the surface.
Cleaning Scorched Iron
Scorch marks can be unsightly on iron plates, and can mark your clothing. Luckily, these can easily be removed with toothpaste. Always wait for the iron to completely cool down before applying a dab of toothpaste on the iron plate. Allow to sit for a few minutes before rubbing the stain away using a microfibre cloth or towel. When the stain is gone, rinse with water, making sure there are no traces of toothpaste residue.
Whiten Your Sneakers
All of us have our favorite sneakers. And sometimes it is hard to just say goodbye to them. If the rubber trim around your sneakers or toes are scuffed or dirty, toothpaste can make a difference. Simply dab a bit of toothpaste on an old toothbrush, and get to work on scrubbing the trim clean. Then use a damp, clean cloth to wipe away the toothpaste residue and leave to dry. If you have other white footwear that have seen better days, check out how to clean white shoes and get them looking new again.
Sink Cleaning
While toothpaste stains are common in the sink, these can also clean it too! Simply add toothpaste onto a damp sponge and wipe around the sink. Then rinse with clean water and buff dry to prevent water spots. You could also use toothpaste to tackle soap scum build-up. Not only will it make your sink shine, but will leave it smelling fresh. This is a major hack that keeps it all shiny and shimmery ( no kidding).
Carpet Stain Remover
As it comes as a major win, you can clean those major beverage stains from your carpet now. Spills or stains on the carpet are often the stuff of nightmares, especially if you need to remove red wine stains. Simply squeeze a dab of toothpaste directly onto the stain before scrubbing with an old toothbrush or small, bristle brush. This should work well to lift out and remove the stain. However, it’s always best to test on a small area first, before cleaning the entire area.