Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing. Stylish people start the day with getting dressed for it. Whether it work or errands or lunch… they’re dressed for the occasion. You will never find them in sweatpants hiding their face. So here are the seven handy habits that stylish people usually do!
They plan their clothes in advance…
If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail! Stylish people never put on anything ‘last minute’ – style is serious business and it needs to be given the time. Most fashionable people will always have their looks figured, tried and fitted well in time.
They research…
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research…would it? Your own style will always come to you naturally, but to hone and perfect it needs research, inspiration and discussion. Stylish people invest time online, explore stores and talk about fashion to stay up to date and well versed.
They take pictures rather than mirror…
Photography is truth. One is accustomed to seeing themselves in the mirror which is why stylish people put their phones to practical use and take images of the final look to see how others will see it.
They keep back up outfits…
It seems to me that everything that happens to us is a disconcerting mix of choice and contingency. Stylish people never have a fashion emergency. They will always have two outfits in mind for an important event. If there is any last minute glitch with the first, there is always a fall back.
They try on things….
Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness. Stylish people don’t assume things. They will take the time to try on their clothes and see how they feel in addition to what they look like rather than assuming their standard sizes.
They build their wardrobe…
All my collections are very personal. It is also because I m so involved in making the collections. Stylish people don’t go on mad sprees. Their wardrobe, like a cherished portfolio, is built over time collecting one quality item after another… They invest in their fashion for timeless staples.
They never look uncomfortable…
A woman is closest to being naked when she is well dressed. Being stylish doesn’t mean stepping out of your comfort zone. Most stylish people know what works for them and stick to it. You won’t find them experimenting too much and they’ll always be comfortable in what they wear. They dress like themselves and no one else.
“Your own style will always come to you naturally, but to hone and perfect it needs research, inspiration and discussion.”