- Define yourself in 3 words?
Multi talented visual & performing artist, devoted , humbled by heart but strong by mind like a boss lady !
- The last book you read
“The subtle art of not giving a f*ck”
- One song that always stays on your playlist?
A thousands years… Christina perri
- All time celebrity crush?
Shaan shahid, Amitabh bachan, Aamir khan, Morgan freeman, Meryl streep
- One thing you always carry around except your wallet and your phone?
My Lipstick & ofcourse my perfume 😉
- Your go to person for advice?
Be the best version of yourself… we should stop looking for a partner, focus on your goals and rebuilding your life. The right person will eventually find their way to you !
- If you were ever caught dead, where would it be?
At work… always !
- Last movie that you watched?
Me before you..”
- Favorite person to hangout with?
My college & university old friends…. & some close lahori friends they are like family 🙂
- What is your best feature?
My Eyes 😉
- You got your last text from?
From my mom.. she was checking if im having proper meals daily basis… (she lives in lahore)
- One word that you use a lot?
Yes done !
- Your inspiration comes from?
Beautiful Nature… and system of universe”
- I’m proud of myself for___.
Im dedicated towards my goals & what i wanted to be… i’m on it ”
- What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?
I drink plenty of water… & do yoga !
- Favorite curse word?
Sh**** A** h***
- Favorite TV Show?
I watch a lot National geographic, History channel alot.. & movies
Sometimes Coffee with Karan !
- Would you prefer “Love” or “Chaye”?
Chaye with love 😀
- Favorite food?
Extra spicy hot desi food i love the most… i prefer home cooked simple & clean food !
- Favorite perfume?
VERSACE (bright crystal series), Roberto cavalli (black) , Burberry (my burberry) …
- If you could go any where in the world where would you go and why?
I have plans to explore Santorini, Athens, Sydney, & Bora bora … so many more.. love traveling & keep exploring this amazing world !
- Favorite genre of music?
Mellow smooth jazz Saxophone… & sometime arabic / iranian vocal music i love… sometime u can find me in the mood to listen Ghazals & qawalies also… all depends on the mood & company !
- You get irritated by?
Negativity, Leg pulling, body odours & snoring on the long flight if somebody do near me… i get easily irritated… :/
- What chore do you hate doing?
Typical kind of all works i hate to do… specially normal kind of 9-5pm duty … i literally hate the most :/
- First thing you notice in a girl/guy?
Class of Dressing & body language… i’m so particular about cleanliness also !! can’t compromise on that at all !!
- Your favorite emoticon?
🙂 smile is the best & fav 1 it keeps u always safe 😉
- Morning person or nocturnal?
Morning person
- One thing on your bucket list this year?
To achieve my fitness goal, & world tour at least traveling to best & top 7 countries this year… & have plans regarding my career but i ll share with you later 😉