Recent research has revealed that Daily Glass of Milk May Cut Bowel Cancer Risk at least by as much as 20%. This finding builds upon the previous research about how dairy products are good for your health and may even help combat one of the more prevalent types of cancer in the world.
The Study in Focus
The study was performed by an international group of researchers and doctors and was based on the daily diet and health status data of more than 500000 people in various countries. They followed the participants for a period of 10 years monitoring their dairy consumption and prevalence of colon cancer.
It was concluded that consumers of one or even more glasses of milk at least daily had a 20% reduced probability of getting bowel cancer than people who rarely or never consumed milk at all. The buffering effect was more robust in those groups that took whole milk than low-fat milk though both types had benefits.
The Science Behind the Claims
Scientists posit that calcium slows the growth of cancer cells because it is evident in high levels of milk. It is a known fact that calcium is capable of chelating with bile and fatty acids in the colon thus protecting the lining of the colon with these materials. Also, calcium from foods and sources such as milk and vitamin D, found in milk helps to prevent the body from losing its calcium balance, supports cell functioning, and curbs inflammation which are central to fighting cancers.
The study also revealed that while milk reduced risks of heart disease the benefits were even pronight in people with healthy diets that included fruits vegetables, and whole grain foods. Scholars’ opinions were similar about the roles of milk in reducing the risk of cancer; it should be noted as a part of a generalized holistic anti-cancer nutrition plan.
A Word of Caution
However, before people use these benefits as a license to take more milk, the researchers have advised against that. Consumption of dairy products has been linked to other issues like an increased rate of prostate cancer and lactose sensitivity in some groups within the population. The main point is to have dairy products in reasonable portions and choose dairy products based on our general health plan for ourselves or our family.
Implications for Public Health
Daily Glass of Milk May Cut Bowel Cancer Risk is one of the three most prevalent types of cancer in the world and one of the main causes of mortality due to cancer. Its control therefore forms part of preventive and early diagnosis measures like dieting.
Dr. Jane Thompson, who directed studies in the project, noted, “The presence of our study is that basic food choices significantly contribute to the existence of the risk of cancer. Milk may assume a significant part in public health tendencies since it’s a widespread and practical source of nutrients with a minimal risk of colon cancer.
Final Thoughts
This study emphasizes the importance of milk as a functional food with potential cancer-preventing effects. The authors acknowledged that more studies are required for validation of these findings as well as identification of the processes by which drinking milk might have an impact on our health but the work done was toward the direction of an evening glass of milk for improved health.