- Define yourself in 3 words?
Beautiful, inside and out
- The last book you read?
The good daughter by Karin Slaughter
- One song that always stays on your playlist?
I get knocked down (by Chumbawamba)
- All time celebrity crush?
George Clooney
- One thing you always carry around except your wallet and your phone?
Perfume, no makeup kit by Nabila
- Your go to person for advice?
- If you were ever caught dead, where would it be?
On some dingy side of the road, because I’m a journalist, that is exactly how our bodies are disposed off.
- Last movie that you watched?
102, Not out!
- Favorite person to hangout with?
Sana Arsalan Tahir Satti Jofa Effendi
- If you had to buy something for the person to your right, what would you buy them?
(My dad is with me in the car) So a phone for him.
- If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?
- You got your last text from?
- One word that you use a lot?
14 What would you want your family to write on your gravestone?
Lord please forgive her, cause she did not know…
- Your inspiration comes from?
Falling, losing and defeating
- I’m proud of myself for
For always standing on my principles and never compromising on my values and saying the truth – however hard – it maybe
- Tell us the last lie that you told someone
To my dad that I was driving at 130Mph, While I was on 150mph
- Favorite curse word?
- Favorite TV Show?
Grey’s anatomy & House MD
- Would you prefer “Love” or “Chaye”?
- Favorite food?
Daal Chawal
- Favorite perfume?
Dior Oodh ispahan
- Favorite Holiday Destination?
- Favorite genre of music?
No preference
- You get irritated by?
- What’s your super power?
To be able to see bullshit from a while away
- First thing you notice in a guy/girl?
Guy: his Teeth
Girl: hands and feet