When darkness falls and the temperature begins to drop, You Sleep More During Winters you may feel more tired than usual. Have you ever wondered why? Much to everyone’s surprise, there exists scientific and behavioral causes of winter sleepiness. Now, let’s look at the reasons that make us want to linger in bed, especially during the winter period.
Reduced Daylight Hours
In You Sleep More During Winters because light is scarce during the day and darkness during the night. The transition affects our biological clock, which is otherwise referred to as the circadian rhythm. This rhythm is maintained through exposure to natural lighting, as far as the production of melatonin, a sleep hormone, is concerned. By the time there is little sunlight in the environment, the body is triggered to produce melatonin and thus you become drowsy or sleepy earlier in the evening.
Colder Temperatures
Cold weather and warm bedding make your bedroom and in particular, your bed feel more inviting than anything in the world. A decrease in temperature makes sense to the body to save energy and warm the body up. This natural response might make you feel like you can just crawl back into bed and stay there for a lot longer than might be healthy. Furthermore, cold nights bring with them, longer and heavy sleep, which makes it difficult to rise in the morning.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
It is common knowledge that, with the onset of winter the human body is subjected to Seasonal Affective Disorder. This condition is associated with low exposure to sunlight since the skin will feel a bit lethargic and need more sleep. SAD is a kind of depression characterized by symptoms that clear up with the onset of a specific season, especially winter.
Increased Comfort Food Intake
This is the perfect season for eating the meals you have been craving and for gulping down some cookies. This means that consuming more comfort foods leads to a release of more serotonin, especially those comfort foods that contain high proportions of carbohydrates since serotonin has a relaxing and drowsy effect. This pattern of eating and sleeping may get even worse during winter.
Less Physical Activity
The climate is cold and sometimes very unfriendly for physically active persons and hence reduces the number of activities one can undertake out of doors. You may notice that you do not gain the usual energy, which makes you more likely to take long periods of activity or rest and even sleep.
Ways of Maintaining a Healthy Sleep Schedule in the Winter
Even though, having more sleep than usual may seem very refreshing, too much sleep may interfere with your schedule. Here are some tips to maintain a balanced sleep pattern during winter:
- Get Sunlight Exposure: Get familiar with the need to be strategic with light exposure to control the internal biological clock.
- Stay Active: Burn up energy by doing some exercises indoors or by participating in winter-related games.
- Create a Cozy but Disciplined Sleep Environment: Warm dressing but care has to be taken not to oversleep by having regular wake-up times.
- Watch Your Diet: Avoid culminating before sleep with large meals thus allowing you to have enough energy for activities at night.
- Consider Light Therapy: For SAD, light box lamps will give you the feeling of sunlight which helps improve your mood and energy.
How to Celebrate Winter without Hibernating or Sleeping till Noon
This is quite the fact about the winter, You Sleep More During Winters it is a perfect time to relax, but still be active. Knowing the causes of your fatigue can then enable you to take actionable steps which will allow you to work effectively as the days get shorter. Next time you wake up with the desire to roll over and go back to sleep, you should know that winter is normal on the human body and it is up to us to seize the moment.