How does your day begin? Well, usually its around the same ol’ routine. Wake up in the morning, make some coffee, rush out the door or get right to work at home, then spend the evening with family or friends or catching up on everything you couldn’t do during the day. Among all of the hustle and bustle, how are we supposed to remember to take a break and prioritize our mental health? While it may seem like a simple solution, taking 15 minutes each day to practice yoga really can help you reset. Not only will you (and your muscles) feel more relaxed, but carving out some time for yourself can also help you feel more focused when you need to be. So, take a deep breath and try out these 15-minute yoga workouts.
Yoga can be an especially powerful practice for anyone dealing with anxiety and depression—and I find that turning to yoga before busy or stressful days goes a long way toward feeling more balanced and centered. Plus, mind-body therapies like yoga have been shown to reduce inflammation and boost the immune system. And, yes, in case you’re wondering, a morning yoga routine also challenges your body (chair pose is no joke!), so you can move through your day feeling mentally and physically strong—and more flexible.
Child Pose
An awesome way to start a yoga practice — especially first thing in the morning — Child’s Pose allows you to reconnect with your breath and provides a gentle release for your lower back and hips.
How to Do It:
Get on all fours on your mat.
Spread your knees wide and position your big toes so that they’re touching.
Let your stomach fall between your thighs and allow your forehead to drop toward the floor.
Extend your arms in front of your body with your palms on the floor.
Breathe deeply in and out here.
Cat- Cow
Start to warm your body up to movement with Cat-Cow, which stretches your spine, engages the core, and opens the chest.
How to Do It:
Get on all fours on your mat with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
Engage your abs, exhale, and push your spine up toward the ceiling.
Allow your head to fall toward your chest. Hold here for 10 seconds.
Inhale and let your spine fall back down, allowing your stomach to fall toward the ground while your head comes up and back. Hold here for 10 seconds.
Not only does Cobra Pose stretch your shoulders, chest, and abs, it strengthens your arms and butt.
How to Do It:
Lie on your mat on your stomach with your legs shoulder-width apart and the tops of your feet on the mat.
Place your hands underneath your shoulders with your elbows tucked into your body.
Inhale and begin to straighten your arms, pushing through the tops of your feet.
Lift your chest off the floor and push your shoulders back.
Stop straightening your arms as soon as your pelvis loses contact with the ground — breathe in and out here for up to 30 seconds.
Downward Dog
A yoga “classic,” Downward Dog stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, and feet while strengthening your arms and legs.
How to Do It:
Lie on your mat on your stomach with your legs shoulder-width apart and the tops of your feet on the mat.
Place your hands underneath your shoulders with your elbows tucked into your body.
Inhale and begin to straighten your arms, pushing through the tops of your feet.
Lift your chest off the floor and push your shoulders back.
Stop straightening your arms as soon as your pelvis loses contact with the ground — breathe in and out here for up to 30 seconds.
Stretch your hamstrings and hips and get yourself a killer set of arm muscles with Firefly Pose.
How to Do It:
Squat down and lean your torso forward between your
Place your hands on the floor inside your legs.
Bring your upper arms as close to your upper thigh as possible.
Begin to lift yourself off the floor and push your weight into your hands.
Shift your center of gravity back, allowing your legs to straighten in front of you.
King Pigeon
Open your hips and stretch your abdominals with King Pigeon, a progression of Pigeon Pose.
How to Do It:
Assume Pigeon Pose with your left knee bent in front of you and your right leg extended behind you.
Bend your right knee and bring your foot up toward your back.
Arch your back and drop your head down.
Reach your hands over your head and grab hold of your foot with both hands.