The powerful, the bold, and the beautiful woman with long locks is easily distinguished in the industry as Angeline Malik. Actor, director, sculptor and what not, Angeline is a true artist by heart. Social Diary’s correspondent Nudrat Mustafa is grateful to get the opportunity to talk to her, knowing her busy routine and tight schedule. Read on our questions and her thoughtful replies:
- Please tell us about your background, family and education.
I moved to London with my family when I was 2 years old and my father was a doctor there and we returned at the age of 9 or 10. I did my masters in Fine Arts from Islamabad, and from there I again went to London to do my Masters in Computer Imaging and Animation.
- You are an actor, a director, producer and a writer as well, what do you enjoy the most?
They are all four different things. Writing is a little tedious and requires a lot of practise and patience. I enjoy acting especially if I get a role which is appealing to me. Production is a headache. I think I enjoy direction the most because you are your own master and it’s in your control. Since it’s your vision that you are sharing with people so I enjoy it the most. I like to tell people how and what I see around me.
- From theatre to acting on the small screen, how has the journey been so far?
Well, theatre is a very different and far more fulfilling experience but to be honest I haven’t done theatre properly. I did a very minor theatre initially as unfortunately I did not get a chance to do it properly. So, I think I am more made for small screen than for theatre.
- Who is your inspiration? Why?
My dad, as he has been an extremely dedicated doctor and he did a lot of humanitarian work too. I have always seen him putting his hundred percent to whatever he does. From him I learned that if you love what you do and do it passionately, you can never go wrong and success will always be yours.
- You are very selective in choosing your roles for dramas, while selecting the roles, what is your priority? And why is it so?
Yes I am very choosy for the roles I select because I feel that as an actor I have a very big responsibility towards the people around me- as a role model, as an image-maker. So, I don’t want to go wrong with that. If you choose a pointless character, that is rather very negative or is just filler, I would not do that because:
- It doesn’t give me satisfaction.
- What am I trying to portray as an actor?
We owe something to society and as an actor I fulfil my obligation of a responsible citizen by choosing the right project and by giving a right message.
- You have done your majors in Sculpture making, what inspired you to choose this as majors?
It’s a medium you can touch, you can feel, you can mould; you can take just a piece of clay and turn it into anything, giving it a shape, form and meaning. It’s similar to television since you start it from scratch- you are creating a story and you are casting and you are doing from script to casting and production and then you have a final project. I love the whole process and I love the fact that something you have created is out there for people to see it and to relate to it!
- What tips/suggestions would you give to someone aspiring to study sculpture making?
Whatever you pick up, do it whole heartedly, with passion and always love what you are doing. That is the key to success-I believe.
- The drama industry has expanded in recent years; do you think the standard has deteriorated due to that?
Well I believe that the drama industry has expanded. It’s good and bad- both ways. Expansion means that there is more work for everyone- a lot of assistants, technicians, people, producers, directors but in this whole expansion process, mediocrity is what comes through. But however, the whole expansion process is necessary for long term benefits- as after expansion you get dilution and then filtration. I believe, despite the expansion, the quality work will be stood out and it is what will always stay.
- What do you think is the biggest issue that we are faced with in our television productions?
Lack of commitment, greed and the biggest is nothing happens on time, even the payments are not made on time. If the people are going to stick to their commitments, we will have less issues and the industry will prosper.
- You try to throw light on some taboo topics; have you ever faced criticism in your personal life due to that?
The problems we face is actually our very strict censorship policy. I believe that you can and you should talk about the taboo topics, keeping yourself in a certain boundary-without hurting the sensibility of anyone. The problem I face is to convince people to talk about these sensitive topics. If we will not address these issues, they will arise- only discussions can bring a resolution to the issues our society is facing. Everybody knows that due to such issues, people can be mentally disturbed; so how can a positive society come into being if the real issues remain unaddressed.
- What hitches have you faced in working on such topics here in Pakistan?
I have not faced any personal criticism on them but yes I faced criticism on why you have chosen a particular topic when it is not required.
- What factors contribute to a play’s success and facilitate someone as an actor?
A play’s success is totally dependent on the content. If the actors give an excellent performance but if the content is not good enough, it would affect much. Another thing is that it’s the team and its confidence on each other is what matters. When I work, I do not treat my actors as puppets. I listen to them as well since I believe, if we say it in one voice, together, our message will be very powerful!
- Your message to your fans through the platform of Social Diary Magazine?
Believe in yourself, have faith! I tell everyone to do everything with dedication. If you totally believe that what you are doing is right, then you cannot go wrong.