Moammar Rana, a well-known Pakistani actor, has recently faced backlash after a video of him surfaced online. Known for hits like Kuriyon Ko Daley Dana and Chooriyan, Rana appeared intoxicated during an emotional tribute to the late comedian Sardar Kamal.
The Controversy
In the video, Rana discusses the death of Sardar Kamal and shares his feelings. He talks about their collaborations, including Chooriyan. However, viewers have noted that Rana’s speech is slurred and his remarks seem disjointed. This has led many to believe he was drunk during the interview.
Public Reaction
The public’s reaction has been overwhelmingly negative. Many on social media criticize Rana for his apparent inebriation and incoherent speech. They argue that his display of grief seemed exaggerated and insincere. Additionally, some viewers feel that his behavior shows a lack of respect for Sardar Kamal.
The interview has sparked a significant controversy and raised questions about Moammar Rana’s professionalism. As discussions continue, it will be important to see how this incident impacts his career and public perception.