Renowned Pakistani actor Feroze Khan recently returned to television after a year-long hiatus, marking his comeback with the drama serial ‘Khumar.’ The show, written by Maha Malik and directed by Ali Faizan, stars Khan alongside Neelam Muneer in a lead role. Departing from his previous portrayals, Khan embodies a positive character—a compassionate individual—in ‘Khumar.’
The drama’s first two episodes garnered tremendous support from fans, with the debut episode reaching over 7 million views and the subsequent one crossing 5 million views. Grateful for the overwhelming response, Feroze Khan took to expressing his joy and appreciation for the audience’s reception following his return to television.
In a heartfelt message, Khan conveyed, “I am deeply grateful for the incredibly warm welcome from audiences worldwide. Such an immense response fills me with gratitude, and I thank Allah swt for His continuous blessings.”
Fans have been effusive in their praise for Khan’s performance in ‘Khumar,’ underscoring their belief that he truly deserves the admiration and love. Alongside best wishes for his ongoing projects, including ‘Akhara,’ set to premiere on Green Entertainment soon, supporters continue to extend their support and encouragement to Khan.
Khan’s note of thanks resonated deeply with his fan base, who have lauded not only his acting prowess but also his humility and gratitude towards their support. As anticipation builds for his future endeavors, including ‘Akhara,’ his fans stand ready to champion his work and celebrate his successes.