Madiha Imam, a prominent Pakistani television and film personality, recently exchanged vows with Indian filmmaker Moji Basar, hailing from Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India. The couple’s presence in Arunachal Pradesh to meet Moji’s family has garnered immense attention across social media platforms.
The splendid wedding reception, a harmonious blend of cultures and love, unfolded gracefully in India. Madiha Imam and Moji Basar were welcomed with open arms by their dear ones, radiating happiness and charm. Madiha graciously shared snippets from the heartwarming event, showcasing Moji’s dance performance and various delightful moments on her social media handles. Here, we’ve compiled a delightful assortment of snapshots from Madiha Imam & Moji Basar’s captivating reception in Arunachal Pradesh, India, portraying the couple’s love and their interactions with family members and notable individuals.
Moreover, Madiha Imam expressed her joyous union through an Instagram reel, encapsulating cherished moments with her beloved husband:
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The union of Madiha Imam and Moji Basar marks a beautiful fusion of cultures and celebrates the essence of love that transcends boundaries.