Indian singing sensation Shreya Ghoshal has exciting plans to recreate Ali Zafar’s iconic ‘Jhoom’ alongside composer Vishal Mishra for the upcoming Bollywood film ‘Crakk.‘
Ghoshal’s Homage to Zafar’s Melody
Ghoshal expressed deep admiration for Zafar’s soulful melodies, particularly ‘Jhoom,’ on X (formerly Twitter). Starting with a snippet of the song’s chorus, she eagerly anticipated the collaboration in the film, urging fans to stay tuned.
Zafar’s Response
Zafar graciously thanked Ghoshal and eagerly awaited the rendition. He expressed confidence in Ghoshal and Mishra’s ability to honor the essence of ‘Jhoom,’ extending love and blessings to the duo.
Mishra’s Enthusiasm and Zafar’s Encouragement
Mishra, known for recent musical contributions, joyfully anticipated covering Zafar’s hit alongside Ghoshal. Zafar acknowledged Mishra’s appreciation, encouraging him in his musical journey.
A Nostalgic Journey to ‘Jhoom’
‘Jhoom,’ released in 2011, fused Sufi and pop elements, dominating music charts in Pakistan and India. It was expertly remastered at Abbey Road Studios, solidifying Zafar’s musical prominence.