odel Robina Khan Shah has responded to allegations that her husband physically assaulted renowned makeup artist Bryan William on the set of a photoshoot. The incident sparked outrage in the Pakistani fashion and beauty industry after model Mushk Kaleem initially shared her account on Instagram. Kaleem’s statement expressed shock and dismay over the attack, which allegedly occurred because William refused to carry Robina’s personal belongings.
Eyewitnesses Erica Robin and Mushk Kaleem, who were present during the incident, corroborated the story but initially refrained from naming Robina Khan as the model involved. Subsequently, artist Yusra Shahid revealed Robina’s identity and condemned her actions, calling the attack disgraceful and unethical.
Numerous figures from the beauty and fashion industry condemned the incident, emphasizing the need to address negative attitudes towards makeup artists and mistreatment on set. While Bryan William has remained silent, his friends and colleagues have shown support and condemned the attack on social media.
In response, Robina Khan Shah provided her side of the story, claiming that the altercation began when she asked the makeup artist to hold her phone during her shoot. She alleged that the makeup artist insulted her and used profanity, which escalated when her husband arrived and confronted the situation. Robina defended her husband’s actions, stating that he reacted to the makeup artist’s disrespectful behavior towards her.
Robina expressed frustration at being labeled a “two-bit model” and questioned why the industry tolerated such behavior. She highlighted the challenges faced by models and urged her colleagues to stand up against demeaning treatment.
While Robina shared her perspective, the fashion industry has remained united in condemning the use of physical violence in any situation. The incident has shed light on the treatment of professionals in the field and sparked discussions about appropriate behavior and respect in the workplace.